
How Hiring an Interior Designer Could Save You Money.

Helen Shoemark

Once upon a time in a land far far away hiring an interior designer was a luxury for only the richest lords and ladies in town but then, guess what?…The world changed, technology happened, lives got busier and everyday people started hiring help to support their demanding modern lives; from cleaners, to gardeners, dog walkers to nannies….and then interior designers.

Speaking to my friends this weekend I realised they still believe that hiring an interior designer to be a luxury beyond their means, with well ‘we can’t afford you!’ being the resounding comment. These are people with busy lives, young children, buying forever homes that need ‘work’, both with full time well paid jobs that require a lot of juggling. They’re working hard for their perfect home but have no time to actually create it, so why not hire an interior designer to do it for them?

Most people recognise that the skills of an interior designer will not only help them to avoid costly mistakes with layout and decor but will also save them a huge amount of time and stress. However, many do not realise that interior designers can also save you money on many items such as tiles, sofas, furniture, lighting etc etc due to our special industry discounts. So if for example you were looking to buy some big ticket items such as new sofa’s, a bed, wardrobes or maybe some stand-out designer pieces for your home, then in many cases the money our trade discounts can save you would actually cover the cost of hiring an interior designer! So yes, it is possible to get discounted furniture plus the services of an interior designer to help you choose your big ticket items and create a beautiful room scheme without being out of pocket. No brainer…you do the math!

So the truth is that yes of course if you want to hire Kelly Hoppen then its going to cost, BIG TIME, and to be honest you’ll be waiting a long time for her to rock up at your door. But the traditional offering of interior designers has changed along with the scope of services. With technology allowing mood-boards to be shared electronically, scaled plans to be whizzed over by email and consultations to take place via Video Calls, time and costs can be streamlined to create a more accessible and affordable offering. Not everybody needs a grand design but a lot of people need help, guidance and a way of saving time and a whole lot of stress. So instead of sitting scrolling through Pinterest tonight and still not making any progress with your home improvements, why not drop me a message to see how I can help create your design AND save you money.
